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Report of misconduct or violation of our code of conduct

The Ozouga Chimpanzee Project takes the safety and well-being of staff members and visitors seriously. We therefore commit to a zero-tolerance approach to prohibited conduct and take action in response to all complaints received about any behaviour that threatens the safety and well-being of staff members and visitors.

Please feel encouraged to file a report concerning any form of misconduct, harassment or similar event, experienced or observed, to allow for the appropriate measures to be taken.

In the field below, please describe in detail any information pertaining to the incident you wish to report. The report will be submitted anonymously (except for names contained within the written description) to the board of directors. The board will document your complaint and decide on the most suitable course of action.

In this regard, measures can range from the opening of an investigation to instructing the camp manager to seek an appropriate solution.

The report should provide all details currently available pertaining to the complaint. Specifically, it should describe as clearly and thoroughly as possible

  • the nature of the behaviour that you are concerned about,

  • details about when and where the behaviour occurred,

  • the effect of this behaviour on you or others, and

  • the resolution you or others are seeking.

All complaints will be treated with the highest diligence and care. No actions pertaining to your current employment, nor retaliation will be made for the reporting of this incident that you think may have violated the code of conduct.

Please note that board members working at institutions such as Osnabrück University are bound by formal regulations to report the incident to their superiors. Thus, if you want your observations and complaint to be treated confidentially, please contact Ozouga e.V.’s Sexual Assault and Harassment Advisor (Dr. Debbie Stoll: or the equal opportunity office of Osnabrück University (ånuepfte-seiten/kontakt/), if you are employed at the university, for further information and advice on how to deal with an incident.

Further information:

Download our complete Code of Conduct

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Report misconduct:

Thanks for your support!

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