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project finance

Ozouga e.V. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research and protection of chimpanzees in Loango National Park, Gabon. The main task of Ozouga e.V. is to secure the financing of the Ozouga Chimpanzee Project. The collection of donations and the acquisition of major donors are the main focus of the association's activities.

The NGO board

Donation account

Ozouga e.V.  ///  IBAN: DE92 2605 0001 0056 0993 44  ///  BIC: NOLADE21GOE 

Ozouga e.V. is registered in the register of associations at the district court of Leipzig (Germany) under VR 7553.

The tax office Grimma (Germany) has certified us on 2021-04-20 the non-profit status.

Partners & Donors


We sincerely thank all our private donors concerned by the vanishing of chimpanzee populations and their habitats for their generous donations and support! Without you, our project would not be possible!

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