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Welcome to the Ozouga blog!

Updated: Nov 1, 2021

Thanks for stopping by! If you’ve found your way here through our website, feel free to skip the rest of the paragraph wherein we will give a short glimpse of who we are and what we do to the newcomers. Here’s a quick briefing: We are Ozouga, a society with the aim to financially support the work of the Loango Chimpanzee Project (LCP). The LCP is a Gabon-based research project concerned with observing and protecting chimpanzees in their natural habitat. We specifically examine their unique behavioral repertoire and their adaptation to environmental factors. We are equally determined to increase awareness about one of our closest relatives, whilst gaining further insights into our own evolutionary past. Ultimately through our research-led conservation work, we aim to highlight the need for the protection of this endangered species. But it does not stop there! The presence of LCP researchers in the Loango National Park likewise helps protect this vital habitat and contributes towards the monitoring of protected species. If we can protect these chimpanzees we can ultimately protect the vital rainforest that they depend on for survival as well. Besides all the climatic benefits that we have, when the rainforest will stay.

The blogging team, formed of a group of Cognitive Science students from the University of Osnabrück in association with the Comparative BioCognition research group, are delighted to bring forward to you an informative series about Chimpanzees along with a mixture of insights from our field site, adding our own character to the information!

We believe that providing you with this knowledge is the best way to motivate support for our cause, for knowing is the first step to responding. Our goal is to keep you informed since we would like to protect what we love, which doesn’t include just the chimpanzees, but also the rainforest and other species living in the National Park as well. If that leads you to support our project, in one way or another, even better!

So feel free to read through our blog posts and if it struck a chord with you, we recommend exploring that feeling by digging in further and satisfying that thirst for knowledge and nurturing the passion to protect this fascinating species, their habitat, and ultimately our planet.

Let’s end this introduction on a key takeaway:

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum, 1968

We hope you enjoy the time you spend here and stay tuned for more content :)

Best wishes,

Ozouga Blogging-Team

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